Wednesday, 18 May 2022

Edinburgh III

My time in baba has sadly come to an end. My three months were tough but exciting as I learned an abundance. From a brand-new cuisine, I never cooked, to a new system of operations to then a new team who I had to learn to cook with-it was eye opening from the outside and from within.

There were a lot of pros about the job whilst also some cons. The hours and workload were a lot- it’s as cheffy as a place can get as they take pride in their work- and they really push themselves and others. It is very hard at first, however I think the hardest part about working here is the monthly pay. Most places in Ireland are weekly pay, so I never had to think about budgeting a month in advance- it is also hard working for a place and not seeing the reward, being paid, until the month is up. I feel if it had of been weekly pay, I would have stayed longer. The pros were meeting a new team of people and feeling respected by them, whilst also respecting them back. Learning about ingredients I never knew existed, living in a fantastic town which is very food centric and just getting to explore what Edinburgh had to offer.

I would say Edinburgh is a very adaptable city if you are nervous about moving abroad. It is like Ireland in the fact its easy to navigate, nice people and living costs are around the same. To sum up, I would highly recommend Baba in Scotland, especially if you want to be a chef and to learn a new cuisine Baba is the place for you.

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to get in touch,

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